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**BEFORE** **AUGUST** **30,** **2024**


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(Starts On Page Excerpt, Page 308)





“How To Stop Domestic Abuse …

BEFORE It Starts!










Once your abuser is pretty sure he has you sucked in to himonce he has you confident that he’s the man you need and you’re wrapped around his finger … he MUST “test” you.  He wants to see HOW YOU REACT and what you will do when he first abuses you.  Your first “test” comes when he argues.  He wants to see if you stay through his awful temper and his disrespectful, beating-down and “breaking down” of your self-respect and self-esteem.

Your next tests are: He Wants To See What You Will Do When He continually breaks up with you and then begs to be taken back. (He wants to see if you will go on without him or if you will beg and cry for him to come back.) He wants to see what you will do when he yells excessively, calls you ugly names, screams, gets up in your face foaming at the mouth like a rapid dog, threatens you, has violent “mood swings,” throws objects across the room narrowly missing you, puts his fist through the wall, takes your car keys and blocks the door so you can’t leave, tells you to “get out” at night or pulls the car over and leaves you on the side of the expressway.  After he’s done all that, he wants to see … ARE YOU STILL HERE?

Don’t Take My Word For It!!  “Mentally” Step Outside The Relationship And Watch His Violence Escalate!

Okay, IF YOU ARE STILL WITH HIM … Your NEXT tests are:  He wants to see what you will do when he GRABS on you, SLAPS you, PUNCHES you, KICKS you and BEATS YOUR ASS.  When he first abuses you, he will apologize profusely and swear that he’ll NEVER do it again.  Let’s say that you decide to forgive him and give him one more chance … but you WARN him that if he ever does it again, you’re leaving him for good!  When he abuses you AGAIN … and then AGAIN … and you stay with him … you have passed his tests with flying colors.  YOU are the woman an abuser wants. And if you choose to get involved with a man who abuses you, is it fair for you to complain later that you are a VICTIM of domestic violence … when you CHOSE to be hard-headed and ignored warnings from family and friends and got involved … cos you wanted to be with him so bad?  I’m just asking that VERY EMPOWERING question

But you know what?  Even AFTER we have taken this long, involved, introspective, insightful and analytical, “ARE YOU THE WOMAN A HUSTLER/CHEATER/ABUSER IS SEARCHING FOR?” HEALING JOURNEY … where we have BROKEN Ourselves Down and dealt with our “UNHEALED” issues … even after ALL OF THIS … if you still CHOOSE to deal with wolves who hustle you, who constantly cheat on you and who abuse you … I hate to say this and don’t take it the wrong way but …

THAT’S YOUR BUSINESS AND THAT’S OKAYYou are a grown woman and you have the right to choose your own man.  You have the right to make the decision as to who you are going to deal with.  And if you want to choose to deal with a Hustler/Cheater/Abuser … if you CLEARLY know that that’s who HE is and you’ve analyzed yourself and healed yourself so that YOU’RE okay, and You Still Want To Deal With Him And Put Yourself Through All That … well, if that’s okay with you, then that’s okay with the rest of us.  Because just like YOU can’t change HIM, we can’t change YOU and     STOP       YOU      from       dealing      with      a Hustler/Cheater/Abuser. That’s something you have to do for yourself and you obviously don’t want to stop yourselfSo that’s why I say … okay, cool.

But at least NOW, if somebody asks you, “Are You The Woman A Hustler/Cheater/Abuser Is Searching For?” you’re now able to PROUDLY stand up, OWN it and PROCLAIM …

YES, I AM THAT WOMAN.  THIS is the man that I choose to deal with and I am aware of the baggage and foolishness he brings with him.  I know who he is and I am NOT trying to change him.  If he hustles me, cheats on me or abuses me, I will NOT call my friends every five minutes bitterly complaining about him because I KNOW THIS about him UPFRONT.  I choose to deal with him and if ever I choose NOT to deal with him, I will CERTAINLY let y’all know.  This is my man, this is my life and this is how I choose to live it.”

And I’ll say: “Bravo, bitch, BRAVO!”  And if that turns out to be the wrong relationship choice … cry it out, then pick yourself up and keep it moving.  Don’t let it ruin the rest of your life and turn you into one of those angry, bitter women!

I wish you love and INNER peace









